Below is the registration form. Cut and paste, fill in and email back to us. We are all very excited and will be working hard over the next two weeks to make this event as enjoyable as can be. If you can help out let us know! We will post preliminary details about workshops shortly.
Registration for RAG Feminist Gathering Fri-Mon May 2nd-5th
(Please fill this in and return to as soon as possible. Initial deadline for registration is Thurs 17th April, as we need to prepare for numbers. We need a decent estimate by this date. It is also especially important to register soon if you are hosting a discussion. However, if you have missed this date, let us know. Final date for registrations is Thurs 24th April.)
1. Name:
2. Address:
3. Email:
4. Phone No:
5. Date/ estimated time arriving to gathering:
6. How do you plan to travel to the gathering. Can you offer others a lift?
7. Is camping accommodation ok? Will you bring your own tent/ can you bring a spare tent?
8. Do you want to give a workshop/ facilitate a discussion? If yes give
Short Description:
Any Requirements for workshop?
If you would like to provide some “recommended reading” links for those planning to attend your workshop, let us know and we can put a link up on our site.
9. Do you have any special dietary needs?
10. Do you have any other special requirements/ allergies/ medical conditions/ anything we should know:
11. Are you bringing any children?
If yes, give details, name, age, any special requests/requirements:
12. Do you have any skills you can bring to the gathering? Can you bring a musical instrument?
13. Will you be able to come early or stay late for set-up/clean up?
14. Briefly, what aspect of feminism would you be most interested in exploring at the gathering, or in some other way explain why you wish to come along (for us to gauge people's expectations!) Would you like to suggest a workshop or topic for discussion?
15. Political views/affiliation (or leave blank):
16. Anything else?
Things you should know!
Please be aware that this Gathering has a DIY ethos. Everyone will be expected to help out in some way. There will be work rotas on which you can volunteer and fill in your name. Everyone can participate in workshops and discussions. Your initiative is also expected and welcomed. We are fundraising for the gathering but would also appreciate financial donations from participants.
The food provided for the weekend will be vegan. The land we are going to has a strict no-meat policy. Rubbish from the meat attracts a lot of wild animals (foxes and pine martins) that then might try to eat the hens. Similarly no dogs or other pets are allowed.
You must also be prepared to take special care with any rubbish. There is a recycling area and instructions will be provided. You will have to take any non-recyclable rubbish you produce away with you.
There will be a washing area – but no shower – so shower before you come. Since all will be going into the groundwater, we ask that you only bring biodegradable toothpaste and personal stuffs. The toilet facilities will be constructed outdoors. There will be separate areas for pee and poo - so – ahem - practice doing one at a time now!
The nearest bus and train station to the Gathering is at Carrick-on-Shannon. Search on,
Decide which time you will arrive and let us know so we can get you collected.
If you are driving, contact us for map/directions.
To Bring!
Sleeping mat (some of the ground is quite uneven)
Warm Sleeping bag
Warm Clothes and change of clothes
Boots for ground which might get muddy
Rain gear
Own plate or bowl, mug and cutlery
Biodegradable sun-cream/ toothpaste/toiletries
Note-taking material
Treats (we are far from shops)
Instruments (if you wish)
Open Mind!