There's plenty going on in Dublin right now and never so many reasons to need to organise. RAG are calling an Anti-Authoritarian Assembly in Dublin 2.30pm, Saturday 18th February in Seomra Spraoi.
We want to invite any Dublin-based anti-authoritarian groups or individuals together for a couple of hours - a chance to chat, to network, to help others, to get advice and to find points of common struggle etc. The proposed format is to give each group five minutes to tell everyone what they are up to and follow that by some facilitated discussion. We aim for a respectful atmosphere and a productive afternoon.
Hope lots of ye can make it along. Confirming your attendance in advance would be great to allow us to get a gauge of interest. Please feel free to forward to others who may be interested.
Similar assemblies were held in Dublin before round 2005 - 2007. At these, the group facilitating the event rotated between each one. We are just calling one assembly for now, to see how it goes.